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why produce your own series

The writing is on the wall.                    

The future of storytelling is with the BRANDS.

A Case Study of AT&T's @SummerBreak

@Summerbreak Case Study
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Traditional media is limited. Brands deserve a better value for their entertainment investments than the market is currently offering. The one-off content that many marketers are producing today is just noise, but episodic content can help a brand cut through the clutter by making a consistent offering of content that ideally informs AND entertains.


Consumers demand it. Consumers are seeking videos with high production value and an emphasis on storytelling. Potential customers have the ability to recognize inauthentic messaging, which is why you must forge genuine engagement.


Brands control the message. Brands control their message while improving their marketing capabilities.  Brands can now take control of the data science and distribution behind their video content, creating a more comprehensive experience that offers more value to the business and its customers.  Brands also have the ability to create and distribute your series with complete autonomy.  It has never been more effective or efficient then right now.


Brands are the new content distributers. We have a proven distribution formula to get the attention of your customers, get them to watch, engage and then share.  It’s an elaborate content marketing play that employs the power of compelling stories to build stronger brand connections with viewers.


We are seasoned Executive Producers. Hundreds of millions of people have watched our shows.  We know how to capture mass audiences, tell them a great story and able to bring them back wanting more.


* Episodic - which refers to a single narrative developed over multiple segments.


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Budgets, episodic length and desired platform are all scalable.

It is great storytelling, that is mobile-centric and socially connected.

We have a proven track record for getting viewers.

You will create emotion and attachment through memorable characters.

It is authentic AND immersive.

We can “flip the script” at any time to react to real-world happenings or based on audience comments.

You create a relationship with your customers through a loyal community of your making.

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You will reach, attract and engage new viewers on multi-platforms.

You get real-time feedback using social listening tools that can offer instant analysis about what’s working on each platform.

It is a unique experience that fits natively in the space where your consumer lives.

Prosumerism- your customer will not only consume your media, they also help write it.

There is potential for live-streaming content to appeal to a core devoted audience.

A successful series will likely get picked up by a network.

You will become a rock-star in your industry and can add Hollywood Mogul to your resume.

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